
miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Dance and theatre in England

The dance Morris is a form of folklore English dance generally accompanied by music. It is based on the rhythmic one and the intensification of the execution of the choreography by a group of dancers. It implements canes, swords, handkerchiefs and also it can be exercised by the dancers. In the dances for one or two men, the steps are realized about a couple of pipes of clay placed in the soil between the dancers.
There are english men who affirm that the beginnings of the dance morris go back 1448, but these are opened for the controversy. One does not mention "morris" dance before the ends of the 15th century, though they appear in the Bishops' records " Visitación articles " the friendly dances with sword called "mumming". In addition, the first records always mention "Morys"
One does not mention "morris" dance before the ends of the 15th century, though they appear in the Bishops' records " Visitación articles " the friendly dances with sword called "mumming".
In addition, the first records always mention "Morys" in the establishment of a court, and both men and women are participants of this dance.

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