
miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Middle Ages in England

England during the Middle Ages (5th century of the retreat of the Roman forces of the province of Britannia and of the Germanic invasions, up to ends of the Anglo-Saxon period), fragmented in a series of independent kingdoms.
The medieval period in England begins with the arrival in Kent of the Anglo-Saxon troops directed by the legendary Hengest and Horsa. Later the Celtic kingdoms Brythonic, whose territories were close to the modern zone of England, were conquered by Jutes, Anglos and Saxons.
The end of the medieval epoch one is in the habit of dating for the summit of the " Renaissance English " in the reign of Enrique VIII of England, and the Reform in Scotland.
From a political point of view, the Norman conquest of the medieval England divides in two phases different from the cultural and political history: from a linguistic point of view, the Norman conquest had only a limited effect, in the evolution of the ancient Englishman, though the Anglo-Norman language would continue being the language of those who governed for two centuries, before mixing it with the Half Englishman. During this period, an alone King governed from the border with Scotland up to the border with Wales to the border with Cornwall.

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